OK, this is going to serve, at least temporarily, as the starting point
for anybody that wants to view my stuff about Airedales. You
should start out by knowing that I am a complete novice when it comes
to this breed. I have been reading a lot, and I have made a
decision to add an Airedale to our family, but I don't personally have
much experience with the breed. The purpose of this page is
mostly to allow people who are interested in the breed, and in
particular those who are interested in the litter of puppies from which
our Airedale is coming, to get a little information. So . . .
The puppy that we are getting is coming from Ingle Valley Airedales,
near Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The litter was bred by Marian
Murray. The dam of the litter is Can. Ch. Ingle Valley Luminous
Motion (aka Shalyn). She's the cutie pie in the picture.
The sire is Ingle Valley Royal Dolce Mozart. Marian is currently
handling Mozart for his owners, and hopes to finish his Canadian
championship before the end of this year.
Here's a link to Our Puppies'
Note, this pedigree includes pictures of as many of
the dogs as I have been able to put my hands on. Some of the
pictures are small, or of low quality. Try clicking on the
pictures for a larger, better, picture.